Embarking on a road trip across the U.S. to engage with contemporary women, writer Aronowitz and the late artist Bernstein (1985-2008) assert that "all we want is conversation." Through 127 casual discussions with female college students, burlesque dancers, musicians, nuns-in-training, single mothers, abortion clinic staffers and others, the authors privilege the unique experiences and perspectives of both established activists and women who hesitate to identify with any notion of feminism. Coupling luminous, enigmatic photography with insightful diary entries, the pair contribute sharp commentary on modern womanhood and gender issues. The project is most striking when exploring the personal stories of interview subjects, but the authors' ambitious scope makes some encounters feel repetitive. Clearly a work of passion for Bernstein (who committed suicide before the book's publication) and Aronowitz both, the authors share of themselves generously, imprinting the "open-ended, fluid conversation" with their voices, feelings and personalities. (from publishers weekly)
Girldrive: Criss-crossing America, Redefining Feminism by Nona Willis Aronowitz and Emma Bee Bernstein
(I'm on page 196/197.)
looks great!